Messages to Your Next Life

Like its Eastern counterpart, Western Tantric belief is that we reincarnate. Rebirth can take many forms, but the most beneficial rebirth for learning to be fully human is to return as a human during a time when spiritual writings and training are available. Hopefully we can return here to resume the progress we have made here on earth. It would be nice if we could leave our future selves some of the wisdom we learned from our struggles during our lives here.

The intent of this website is to fund it long enough that future generations can read what we put here. The intent of this blog topic is to place here what we would like our future selves to know, so that if our future rebirths find this website, we don’t have to start entirely from nothing, relearning what we once knew. So this is where we tell future humans and hopefully our future reincarnations the best of what we learned here in this life.

As the author of the Western Tantra series of books, my hopes are that enough of my books will sell that I can find a copy in my next life, and that my future self will study them. That is what I want to tell my future life. I’ll post the best responses from you here also. What wisdom do you want to pass on to your future reincarnation?