Reincarnation–Scientific Support for Immortality

Consciousness is awareness. Computers spawned the new branch of science known as information theory. A key aspect of information theory is, of course, Information. Information is that which reduces uncertainty. Computers manipulate bits of Information to do work, like calculate rocket trajectories. In an effort to replicate human thinking, computer scientists study the manipulation of Information to create artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence appears to resemble human thinking. Some modern scientists have theorized that consciousness is related to Information, and Information organized in a way that is able to do work that resembles thinking can be considered Sentience. This opens the possibility that non-living things can have at least a rudimentary consciousness. A proton may be aware of its “proton-ness.”

Note that the conventional definition of Sentience is the ability to feel sensations. But how do we know if something can feel sensations? We know if the thing responds to a sensory input, like a tap. If we tap a cat, it reacts. In this way we know that the cat feels the tap. If we tap a rock, nothing overt happens, so we conclude that the rock feels nothing. But we do not know what the rock feels from its inside. All we know is that it did not react. The difference between the cat and the rock is the cat has an internal organization that allows it to process the tap and decide on a response, to bite or purr or leap. The rock may sense the tap (e.g., vibration passing through the atoms), but has no way to process the sense and decide on a response. So, the definition we will use here for Sentience (capitalized) is that which is consciously aware and able to process and respond to sensations; the ability to do mental work. It may reflect how well Information is integrated. The cat is Sentient by this definition. The rock’s atoms are defined by Information which may give the rock a rudimentary internal consciousness, but it cannot respond externally. The rock may feel the energy of a tap passing through its atoms, but cannot think or overtly respond, so we say it is not Sentient.

Switching scientific disciplines to physics, physicists define the aspects that make up reality as Information. Spin, charge, and mass/energy are the Information that define particles, and particles make up reality, including people. In collider experiments, physicists can smash particles together and form new particles. But when the spin, charge, and mass/energy of the particles entering and leaving the experiment are examined, they find that the spin, charge, and mass/energy of the entering particles always add up to exactly the same as the particles leaving the experiment. In other words, although the original particles are destroyed, the Information making up the particles is not destroyed, merely transformed into new particles having exactly the same total Information. Information can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed into different combinations. This is a fundamental law of physics. The Information defining that which makes up reality is physical, real, and eternal.

Switching back to computer science, the smallest possible amount of Information is called a bit, that which reduces uncertainty by half. The zero or one state of a binary computer transistor is one bit of Information. Recent experiments in computer science have demonstrated that in a binary computer circuit, there is a small difference in mass between a binary component set to one versus the same component set to zero. In other words, the bit of Information residing in that binary circuit is physical, it is real. Since everything in the universe is defined by the Information it contains, some information scientists theorize that the entire universe is conscious, and if the Information is arranged in a way that it can process the Information to do work, those parts of the universe may even be Sentient. This is known as panpsychism.

If consciousness is related to Information, and Information is physical, and organized Information is Sentience, then consciousness may be eternal. It is possible that consciousness, like the Information defining reality, can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed into different forms. The consciousness we experience as humans may endure beyond the death of the body. Buddhism, Hinduism, and my personal experience say that it does.

We know that the matter-energy universe has evolved over time to become the complex structures of galaxies, suns, planets, and the living things that populate this planet, including people. For some reason, probably because we cannot see it, we have always assumed that space-time is bland and uniform. Space-time is invisible. However, recent scientific experiments have discovered that space-time also has structure. Space-time crystals have been demonstrated. What if space-time evolved over time to become complex structures and even invisible living creatures constructed entirely out of space and time just as the matter and energy of the universe evolved into the living creatures we see around us? Why do we assume space and time are bland and featureless, unlike the matter and energy we can all see?

If Information is consciousness and eternal, and complex, invisible beings made only of time and space are possible, then the existence of immortal, invisible Souls is at least possible. And if everything in the universe is conscious, then there may be one or more Sentient supreme beings. If space-time has structure, there may be heavens and hells invisible to our matter-energy senses. If Souls are made of the same invisible Information and space-time structure as a supreme being, our Souls may be able to become one with our supreme being, just as the Mystics say. That is a lot of “ifs,” and these theories certainly do not prove that our Souls are real, immortal, and can reincarnate and evolve to become one with the universe, but science has uncovered evidence that this view is possible.

(Excerpted from the upcoming book, Western Tantra, The Red Path of Meditation)

New Cover Promotion

The book cover showing Rodin’s sculpture “The Kiss” was deemed too erotic for use by Amazon ads, so a new cover has replaced it. The new cover features a stairway into the sky, symbolizing a spiritual path to higher realizations. To introduce and celebrate the new cover, the price for both the paperback and Kindle editions has been temporarily reduced. Now is a great time to purchase extra copies as gifts and to recommend the book to friends.


This a hybrid meditation containing both analytical and stillness elements. The purpose of this meditation is to gain control over your focus of attention and be able to move that focus as skillfully, gracefully, and calmly as you now move your body. Currently your human body anchors your mind where your body is located. An untrained mind without the body to keep it in place can fly anywhere in the universe. With no restraint, the untrained mind can quickly become lost in unfamiliar places. The Spirit body has no mass and follows the mind’s focus of attention. To be able to choose one’s next rebirth or incarnation wisely, requires the ability to focus on the desired choice, not flit one’s attention around the universe or panic and choose rashly. This meditation helps develop control over the focus of your attention and the direction of your mind.

Find a time and place free from distractions. Look around the place you have chosen and mindfully examine all the objects in the room or area so you have a clear idea what they look like and where they are placed. Find a comfortable chair or cushion, place yourself there, and relax. Do some deep breaths as needed, focusing on the breaths. Choose an object within your field of vision. Pick a point on that object and stare at it until you can rest your attention steadily on that point. Now close your eyes while maintaining a mental image of the object and keeping you focus on the point you chose. Realize that this is your focus of attention. Continue until you can rest your attention peacefully on a point.

Keeping your eyes closed, move your focus of attention to a different object in the room or area where you are sitting. Imagine examining it and see in your mind’s eye what it looks like. Move your attention to other objects in the room. Notice that your mind can move your focus of attention independently of your eyes, even to objects behind you. Practice this until you are adept at moving your attention. Try this with your eyes open while staring at these words or straight ahead while your attention focuses on other objects around you. With eyes open or closed, imagine picking up various objects and examining them from different angles. If this is difficult, return to focusing on a point of a single object, and try this again in a different session.

If you are comfortable with moving your focus of attention and while still sitting, imagine getting up and walking outdoors. Walk around your dwelling, looking at it from different places. Then imagine walking to nearby places, looking at and touching things along the way. If this is difficult, try actually walking to nearby places while looking mindfully at things along the way. Then try to replicate that experience in your mind in your next meditation session.

If you are able to visualize walking to nearby places and examining objects in your path, try visualizing a great leap to a favorite spot farther away and enjoy being there as you normally would, doing what you normally do there. Try to spend some time in that spot, enjoying being there. Try this for other favorite spots until you are comfortable doing this and can rest in these places in your mind’s eye for an entire meditation session.

Visualize looking at the sky. Locate the moon. This can be either in daytime or the sky at night. Study its surface from your vantage point on earth. Examine its craters and surface features. Now gather yourself for a mighty leap and imagine yourself flying to the moon. It gets larger as you approach, You land feet first on the surface of the moon in a great puff of dust. Walk around examining rocks and the stars above. Turn to look at the earth, noting its beauty. Pause to enjoy the sight of the earth for a while. Notice that the lack of air has no effect on your point of focus. Take a few deep breaths of empty space. Now gather yourself for another mighty leap, focus on your point where you left, and imagine flying back to earth, its image getting larger as you approach. Land where you started and look back at the moon. If this is difficult, watch some images and videos of the Apollo missions and try again during another session.

Visualize walking back to your meditation location. Realize that if you can calmly move your focus of attention independently of your body, then you really do not need your body to travel where your Spirit wills it to go. You can go where your heart or trusted guides lead you to you next life without fear dictating your destination.

Death and Dying

We all know we are going to die, or more accurately, our physical bodies will die. Intellectually we know this, but most of us try not to think about it. Many people eat healthy and exercise to try to put that event into the distant future, and not worry about it. But it will come, and we do not know the time or manner of our death. The COVID-19 pandemic brought us to the reality that death could come much sooner than we expected.

We would like our death to be easy, and many hope for either a pleasant afterlife, reincarnation, or oblivion. But in the West, we do almost nothing to prepare for death, other than maybe complete a will and follow the dictates of our religion. Eastern Tantras teach us that our consciousness is immortal, that we are reborn, that there are infinite possibilities of how we are reborn as well as infinite realms and types of beings, and that our rebirth is largely up to us: the karma we create during our life, and our skill at mind control during and after death. And not all the possibilities are good ones, so it is a good idea to train for death.

In the West, most people think what happens in death is out of our control. In Tantra, including Western Tantra, we realize we are in control (or could be in control) of the entire process of dying and rebirth to a new life. If we want the process to be bearable and our next life to be beneficial, we had better learn in advance what to do while we are dying, and learn mind control so that we can choose our next life wisely. We could lose heaven or a beneficial rebirth if we are ignorant or panic.

Ultimately, we learn that the best outcome is to become one with the universe, what several spiritual traditions call union with the creator or the source, often called union with God. Try not to get hung up on exact terminology. We don’t know exactly what happens, because the ultimate experience is beyond description, according to those who have experienced it and returned to tell us about it. Enlightened masters and teachers tell us to have no expectations and just go with it, let go, surrender.

Ethical thoughts, words, and deeds are how we create the positive karma to have beneficial choices for our next life: heavens, paradises, pure lands, or fortunate reincarnations. Meditation is how we develop the mind control to navigate the death process, discern our best choice of rebirth while avoiding distractions, and actualize our choice, especially full Enlightenment as defined by Tantra.

Eastern Tantra will teach you this process if you can understand the lessons and have the time to learn them. Western Tantra will do this for Westerners if you do not. Western Tantra is a skill, not a religion, and can be combined with your current religion or adopted philosophy without conflict. The book Western Tantra describes ethics, Karma, and the dying process in ways that most Westerners can understand without the translations, confusing terminology, and cultural trappings that can impede the learning. What are you waiting for? Do you want to live forever?


Western spiritual traditions have three major blind spots: the need to overcome ego, the way karma works, and reincarnation. This blog will discuss reincarnation, rebirth in a new body or other form of life, the idea that we live multiple lifetimes. This idea is generally disregarded in Western circles, some believing that when we die we no longer exist as a conscious being, others adopting the conventional Western view that an invisible spirit leaves the body to reside in a heaven or a hell, depending on our conduct when alive.

Objections to reincarnation include:

  1. No part of the human body is able to generate thought, speech, or movement after it dies and disintegrates. This is true, but science has not yet identified 95% of all that exists or the source of consciousness, so the possibility that there is an invisible spirit residing within the body is not ruled out.
  2. The Bible says there is no reincarnation. This not true, there are numerous passages in the Christian Bible referring to reincarnation, such as Matthew 17:10-13 which says John the Baptist is Elijah returned. Many Christians believed in reincarnation until the idea was banned by a council of churches over 1000 years ago. The dogma of resurrection of the human body still persists. Scriptures and oral traditions of many other current and ancient religions describe reincarnation in some detail.
  3. No one remembers past lives. This objection is not true. Many people remember past lives. Some can supply details and identify past places and objects. About a quarter of Americans believe in reincarnation. The experience of “deja vu” may relate to past life memories.
  4. All people claiming past lives remember being famous people, so it must be wishful thinking. This is not true, most people remember ordinary lives. But famous people usually did something memorable, so those lives are easier to identify by name. Also, people who surrounded famous people may mistake their past life with the one they can identify. There have been tens of thousands of famous people, and each had dozens of associates. Finally, with few exceptions, famous people are just like the rest of us, nothing special there.
  5. Multiple people claim the same past life, so it must be false. This reflects lack of imagination by critics. According to Buddhist beliefs, enlightened beings can emanate in an infinite number of incarnations. Perhaps multiple personas can inhabit one body, as with multiple personality disorder. This might explain how some people have more charisma, they may house multiple souls. Perhaps actors are actually expressing multiple personas. Buddhism leaves open the possibility that one person could reincarnate as more than one person. We just don’t know.
  6. Reincarnation is for people who can’t face the idea of dying. Actually, for those of us who believe in reincarnation, there is no rest in heaven or oblivion until we find a way out of living multiple lives. For many of us, reincarnation is far more terrifying than non-existence. That is why Eastern religions have methods to escape from reincarnation.

Reasons to believe in reincarnation include:

  1. Many people experience “deja vu,” the feeling that they have seen a place or done something before, but have never seen or done that in their present life.
  2. Many people remember past lives and can recall details that can be verified.
  3. Many children within the same family come into this life with personalities very different from each other and their parents.
  4. Many very young children say they were a different person or an animal before this life.
  5. Some children come into this life with skills that require years of practice to develop.
  6. Many people have fears of things or events that have never harmed or happened to them in this life.
  7. Many people have seen ghosts, one of the many different forms reincarnation can take. Eastern religions call it rebirth to encompass the many different ways that beings continue to exist.
  8. Most people believe in some form of an afterlife, be it heaven, hell, resurrection, ghosts, souls, or similar concepts. The concept of reincarnation is not that different. Wouldn’t it be comforting to believe we have more than one chance to “get it right” rather than the idea we get one shot at life and then are judged, no matter how bad the hand we are dealt? Wouldn’t it be better to believe we have to care for this world, because we have to come back to live in it?

So what do you think? Is reincarnation real or not?